Moo-ve over, it’s time to celebrate National Toast Day with Wyke Farms!

Together with Wyke Farms, the UK’s largest independent cheese producer and milk processor, The Tiptree World Bread Awards have announced the first-ever National Toast Day. This celebration of the nation’s favourite breakfast takes place on Tuesday 25 February 2014. “”

Tell the world how you take your toast on Tuesday 25 February 2014. Golden? Brown? With butter, cheese or jam?

Tweet us “@worldbreadaward” “@wykefarms”: #50tastesoftoast or post on “Facebook” using the hashtag #50tastesoftoast for a chance to win a Wyke Farms Hamper plus there’s lots of other toast appropriate prizes to give away before then.

If you would like to get more involved why not visit our “Facebook event”: and tell us how you and your colleagues will be celebrating.