Easy Homemade Marmalade

BreakfastServes 6

The season for making homemade marmalade is here thanks to a ready supply of delicious Seville oranges in local shops. This simple recipe from food writer Elaine Lemm allows you to stock up now and enjoy a jar of this tasty preserve on your breakfast table all year round. For more recipe inspiration visit www.elainelemm.com


3 kilos Marmalade (Seville) oranges

2 large lemons, juiced

2 kilos sugar, warmed slightly in the oven on a baking tray


  1. Pour 6 litres of cold water into a large pan.
  2. Cut each orange in half and squeeze the juice into a jug making sure to remove the pips and pith.
  3. Add the juice to the cold water and put all the pips and pith onto a muslin and tie into a small bag leaving a long length of string, used to attach to the handle of the pan.  Shred the orange and lemon peel into thick strips. Don’t cut too thin or they will dissolve in the cooking process.
  4. Put the peel into the pan with the water and juice. Add the bag of pips and making sure it is immersed in the water and tie the string onto the pan’s handle.  Bring to the boil then reduce to a steady simmer for 2 – 3 hours.
  5. Remove the pips and cool slightly then squeeze as hard as you can over the marmalade pan to release a gooey liquid. Add the warmed sugar and stir to dissolve.
  6. Pop a plate into the freezer.
  7. Turn up the heat under the pan and bring to a fast boil for around 20 minutes ensuring the bottom doesn’t burn by stirring from time to time.
  8. Pop 1 spoonful of the marmalade onto the frozen plate and return to the freezer for a few minutes.  Once cooled, push the marmalade with your finger, if it wrinkles, then it has reached setting point, if not repeat every ten minutes.
  9. Once you have reached setting point, turn off the heat and leave to settle for 20 mins while you heat your jam jars in the oven to sterilise them.
  10. Use a jug and a jam funnel to fill the jars, then screw the tops on and leave to cool
  11. Store in a cool dark place for up to one year.
Notes: Vary the flavour of your marmalade by using a few lemons or limes in place of oranges and cut the peel into chunkier pieces if you prefer.