Mini Anticuchos Beef Skewers with Sweetcorn Fritters

StarterServes 6

Preparation time: 30 minutes, plus marinating time Cooking time: Under 25 minutes : 1. In a shallow non-metallic dish mix the marinade ingredients together. Add the beef, stir gently, cover and marinate in the fridge for 2 hours, or if time allow overnight. 2. To prepare the sweetcorn fritters; in a small bowl mix all the ingredients together (except the oil), season well, cover and set aside. 3. Thread the beef onto 6 metal or wooden skewers (previously soaked in water), remove any excess marinade and cook on a prepared barbecue or under a preheated moderate grill for 12-16 minutes, turning occasionally. 4. Meanwhile, prepare the fritters, heat the oil in a large shallow non-stick frying pan and cook the fritters, a tablespoon at a time for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden. Remove and drain on absorbent kitchen paper. 5. Serve the skewers with the fritters and a salad garnish.


675g/1½lb lean rump, sirloin or picanha steaks, cut into 2.5cm/1inch cubes
For the Marinade:
2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped
15ml/1tbsp dried oregano
100ml/3½floz red wine vinegar
10ml/2tsp ground cumin
10ml/2tsp ground paprika
10ml/2tsp mild chilli powder
Salt and freshly milled black pepper
For the Sweetcorn Fritters:
450g/1lb sweet potatoes, peeled and grated
1 small chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
15ml/1tbsp freshly chopped coriander leaves
25g/1oz plain flour
150g/5oz fresh, canned or frozen (and defrosted) sweetcorn
2 egg whites, lightly beaten
Salt and freshly milled black pepper
90ml/6tbsp oil, for shallow frying
