White Chocolate Pot with Raspberry Jelly and Raspberry Sorbet

DessertServes 6


# To make 400ml cold stock syrup, boil 300g castor sugar, 25g glucose and 400ml water together for 5 minutes.

For the pots:

# Place the cream, zest and vanilla pod (deseeded) into a pan. # Bring to boil and infuse for 30 minutes. # Melt white chocolate and then add yolks. # Bring cream back to simmer, add to chocolate, mixing well. # Pass through a sieve into a jug. # Pour into six shot style glasses and fill, stopping around 6mm from the top of glass. # Cool to room temperature, then place in fridge.

Raspberry sorbet:

# Puree raspberries and pass through sieve. # Measure out 600g of puree, reserving the rest. # Add around 300ml of stock syrup to puree. # Add raspberry liquor to taste, along with a squeeze of lemon. # Rest in fridge for a couple of hours, then churn in ice cream maker. # Place in freezer.

Raspberry jelly:

# Soften gelatine in a little cold water. # Heat up remaining puree with around 50ml of stock syrup. # Squeeze out gelatine, add to raspberry puree. # Leave to cool, mixing regularly. # When nearly setting, top chocolate pots with jelly. # Return to fridge to set.

To serve:

# Place chocolate pot on plate and decorate with raspberry sauce, optional caramel springs (practice required!) and fresh raspberries. # Place sorbet on plate and serve.