Chicken Breast with Ricotta Cheese, Sun Blushed Tomatoes and Basil

StarterServes 4


# Open the breasts with a little knife. # Place the ricotta cheese, tomatoes, fresh basil, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well. # Place the mixture in the middle of the breasts and close them. # Wrap the breasts in cling film tightly to form sausages. # Cook in boiling water for 15-18 minutes or until cooked. # Remove the cling film and seal the breasts in a pan with a knob of butter until golden brown. # Leave aside and keep warm.

Sweet Potato Purée

# Place the diced potatoes in a pan with boiling salty water until tender. # Drain and add into a food processor with melted butter, season to taste. # Leave aside.

Garlic Confit

# Place the peeled cloves in olive oil and cook very slowly (without boiling) until tender. # Once cooked, drain out the oil.

Broad Beans

# Reheat the broad beans in a pan with a knob of butter, season to taste.

Red Wine Jus

# Reduce 1/2 cup of red wine with an Oxo cube dissolved in 1/2 cup of water until you like the taste. # Thicken with a little corn flour mixed with cold water. # Add whilst whisking to give it a LITTLE thickness.

To Serve

# Place the puree in the middle of the plate. # Slice the chicken into 4 or 5 slices. # Spread the broad beans around the plate with garlic confit. # Drizzle with red wine jus.

Jason Wardill’s Yorkshire Tapas Platter – Yellison Goat’s Cheese Crostini

StarterServes 6

1) Grill the bell peppers, turning occasionally, until the skin chars all over, 15 to 20 min. Put the charred peppers in a heatproof bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let sit until cool enough to handle, about 30 min. 2) Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, 1/2 tsp. of the thyme, salt, and about 5 grinds of pepper. Mix well. 3) Remove the pepper skins and seeds and cut the peppers into thin strips. Add the peppers to the vinegar mixture and let them marinate for at least 1 hour and up to 3 days. (Refrigerate if making more than a few hours ahead and return to room temperature before assembling the crostini. 4) Spread each slice of the toasted baguette with a generous layer of goat cheese, sprinkle with some of the remaining thyme, and top with a tangle of the peppers and a small grind of black pepper. 5) A little spoon of pesto will make the whole dish sing. Serve immediately.