Devonshire Splits

DessertServes 12

Continue on the jam and cream celebration theme from the Jubilee weekend with these delicious Devonshire Splits from the team at East Yorkshire based Side Oven Bakery. A perfect summertime treat, pair with your favourite local jam and clotted cream for a truly decedent pud! For more recipe inspiration and to buy their award-winning range online visit

Great Yorkshire Strawberry Pavlova

DessertServes 8

What better way to celebrate Yorkshire Day than with a really great pudding and this Great Yorkshire Strawberry Pavlova recipe from the team at Harrogate based Fodder is hard to beat! Simple to create and bursting with fresh fruit and cream, it really is summer on a plate! For more seasonal and locally sourced recipe inspiration visit their website

Jake’s Vanilla and Berry Cheesecake

DessertServes 8

1. Lightly grease the sides of a round cake tin with a small amount of olive oil. 2. Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water for at least 5 minutes 3. Crush the biscuits and add the melted butter 4. Compact the biscuit as much as possible into the cake tin 5. Chop 12-13 strawberries in half and slot these around the sides of the cake with the flat side of the strawberries touching the side of the tin 6. Place the cake tin in the fridge to set the biscuit base 7. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla pods and mix in with the cream cheese and caster sugar 8. Whip 300ml double cream 9. Heat 100ml of cream just before boiling point 10. Squeeze out as much water from the gelatine as possible and add to the hot cream. 11. Add the hot cream and gelatine mix to the cheese, vanilla and sugar mixture 12. Add the whipped cream and then fold into the mixture 13. Remove the cake tin from the fridge and add in the cheesecake mixture. 14. Use a spatula to create a smooth flat surface. 15. Place the cheesecake in the fridge and leave for at least 4 hours 16. When releasing the cheesecake from the cake tin, simply use a flat pointy knife and carefully go around the sides of the cheesecake 17. Lightly push down on the top of the cheesecake and slowly release the cheesecake 18. Decorate the top of the cheesecake with the rest of the berries however you like.

Rhubarb and Ginger Cheesecake

DessertServes 12

Equipment - mixing bowl - sharp knife - microplane - measuring jug - whisk - wooden spoon - spatula - 25cm cake tin - rolling tin - chopping board Instructions 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/Gas 6. Grease and line a 25cm lose-bottomed cake tin. 2. Cut two thirds of rhubarb into pieces about 5cm long. Place in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle with 55g of caster sugar. Roast in the oven for 20 minutes or until tender. 3. Meanwhile, cut the remaining rhubarb into pieces about 7.5cm long, place in another ovenproof dish with a tablespoon of caster sugar and roast until just tender but still holding their shape. Set aside to decorate the cheesecake. 4. To make the biscuit base, place the ginger biscuits in a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin, leaving the mixture quite rough. Place the biscuit crumbs in a bowl, mix in the melted butter and press into the bottom of the prepared cake tin. Place in the fridge while you make the cheesecake mixture. 5. Beat the cream cheese with the remaining 125g caster sugar and the lemon zest, then add the soured cream and egg yolks and beat until smooth. 6. Spread the rhubarb onto the chilled biscuit base. Whisk the egg white until they hold soft peaks then fold into the cheese mixture and pour on top of the rhubarb. 7. Bake in the oven for about one hour, reducing the heat to 180°C/Gas 4 once the cheesecake has risen. The top should be firm to the touch but still slightly wobbly. Leave the cheesecake to cool then remove it from the tin, arrange the reserved rhubarb on top and dust with the icing sugar.

White Chocolate Pot with Raspberry Jelly and Raspberry Sorbet

DessertServes 6


# To make 400ml cold stock syrup, boil 300g castor sugar, 25g glucose and 400ml water together for 5 minutes.

For the pots:

# Place the cream, zest and vanilla pod (deseeded) into a pan. # Bring to boil and infuse for 30 minutes. # Melt white chocolate and then add yolks. # Bring cream back to simmer, add to chocolate, mixing well. # Pass through a sieve into a jug. # Pour into six shot style glasses and fill, stopping around 6mm from the top of glass. # Cool to room temperature, then place in fridge.

Raspberry sorbet:

# Puree raspberries and pass through sieve. # Measure out 600g of puree, reserving the rest. # Add around 300ml of stock syrup to puree. # Add raspberry liquor to taste, along with a squeeze of lemon. # Rest in fridge for a couple of hours, then churn in ice cream maker. # Place in freezer.

Raspberry jelly:

# Soften gelatine in a little cold water. # Heat up remaining puree with around 50ml of stock syrup. # Squeeze out gelatine, add to raspberry puree. # Leave to cool, mixing regularly. # When nearly setting, top chocolate pots with jelly. # Return to fridge to set.

To serve:

# Place chocolate pot on plate and decorate with raspberry sauce, optional caramel springs (practice required!) and fresh raspberries. # Place sorbet on plate and serve.

Coffee and Cream Bread and Butter Pudding

DessertServes 4

# Put the milk, double cream, coffee and opened vanilla pod into a sauce pan and bring to the boil. # Whisk the eggs, yolks and caster sugar together. # Slice the croissants in half lengthwise. # Use 1oz butter to grease an ovenproof dish. # Using 3oz butter, spread this on the cut sides of the croissants. # Lay half of them on the base of the dish, butter side up. # Sprinkle with raisins and lay croissants on top. # Let the boiled cream cool a little, pour onto the egg mixture while stirring all the time. # Put back onto heat and stir to start to thicken, take off immediately. # Strain half over the croissants mixture and allow to soak in for 15 minutes gradually straining over the rest of the mix until all is in the dish. # Cook until set. # Take out and allow to cool for 10 minutes. # Pipe a line of whipped cream up the middle of the pudding, sprinkle the grated chocolate over the cream and dust the whole thing with icing sugar, serve.

Gingerbread with Rhubarb and Orange Fool

DessertServes N/K

Make the most of zingy rhubarb by teaming it with two of its classic flavour combinations, orange and ginger. The gingerbread keeps well in an airtight container for a few days (if you have any leftover, which is unlikely!). Preheat the oven to 160ºC. Grease and line a 30cm x 20cm brownie (baking) tray, one which holds 1.2 litres (2 pints) of liquid. Put the treacle, milk, butter and sugar in a saucepan and gently heat until the butter and sugar has melted. Remove from the heat and leave to cool slightly, for about 5 mins, then stir in the beaten eggs. Put the flour, bicarbonate of soda, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg in a large bowl. Tip in the egg/sugar mixture and gently stir until all the ingredients are combined. Pour into the baking tin and bake for about 45 mins, until a cocktail stick inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove from the oven, leave to cool in the tin for 10-15 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely. To make the fool, put the rhubarb, sugar, orange juice and zest in a large pan. Gently heat for about 10-15 mins, until the rhubarb is tender (test by inserting a sharp knife). Remove from the heat and leave to cool. Whisk the cream in a large bowl (don't over-whisk, just do enough so that it is forming soft peaks). Add the rhubarb mixture and gently fold into the cream. Serve the gingerbread cut into squares with a dollop of fool on the side.

Fiona’s Cranachan

DessertServes 4

Toast the oatmeal/rolled oats under a hot grill for about 2 minutes. Whip the cream until thick and stir in the honey and malt whiskey. Add the raspberries and fold in the toasted oatmeal and spoon into small glasses.

Yorebridge House Custard Tart

DessertServes 6

To start, rub together the plain flour, caster sugar and butter. This will create a breadcrumb effect. Whisk 1 egg and slowly add it to the mixture, it will start to make a dough, add a little water at a time until the desired dough consistency is met. The dough should then be rested for half an hour in the fridge to make it easier to roll out. After the dough has been rested, roll it out to fill a 12" quiche tin, ensuring the tin has been greased with butter. The pastry should then be blind baked at 160ºC until golden brown. To make the filling, whisk together 10 Eggs with the other ingredients to a smooth thick consistency. Once the mixture has been mixed, pass it through a sieve to ensure there are no lumps. Place the filling into the pre baked pastry base giving it a grating of nutmeg on the surface before returning it to the oven to cook at 120ºC for 40 minutes or until set.

Side Oven Easy Lemon Ice Cream

DessertServes 4

Delicious served with fresh fruit or for something different try crumbling Side Oven Honey Toasted Muesli or Granola on top. Whip the egg whites to a soft peak consistency, add sugar and whip together. Fold in egg yolks, lightly whipped cream and lemon cordial. Pour into a freezer-proof container and freeze. Remove from freezer 10 minutes before eating to allow the ice cream to soften before serving.