Serves 4

*Herb Bread Crumbs* – Place all ingredients in a blender until fine *Loin of Hare* – Preheat the oven to 180 degrees – Lay out a large piece of cling film and lay the pancetta slices overlapping on top – Place the 2 pieces of each loin on the pancetta with the narrow ends facing to the middle – Roll the loins into a cylinder and secure the ends – Slice the wrapped loin into 4 pieces and, leaving the cling film on, pan fry in a hot pan with a knob of butter and 1 tablespoon of oil until sealed and golden brown. – Place in the oven for 4 mins – Remove from oven and allow to rest for 8 mins – Sprinkle the crumb on the flat side of the loin *Hare Sausage* – Place the raw hare leg and the bacon in a food processor and blend – Add all the other ingredients and mix well – Place the mix in a piping bag and cut off the end – Push the end of the sausage skin over the end of the bag and then pipe the mix into the skin – Twist the sausage every 4cm to make small sausages – Chill for 1 hour and then cut into individual sausages – Grill until golden brown *Braised Hare Leg* – Fry the hare legs in butter until golden brown – Fry all the vegetables until golden brown – Put the hare legs and vegetables together in the same pan, add the wine and cook until liquid is reduced by half – Add the gravy and the water – Simmer for 2 hours or until the leg meat comes off the bone with ease – Strain the liquid from the pan and reduce to a sauce consistency – Pick the meat off the legs and add to the sauce – Place in the pasty case and top with mashed potato Place the loin, sausage and pie together on a plate and drizzle with any remaining sauce. Serve with honey roasted turnips.