Spring 2013 sees the launch of the 1st Beer & Music festival from The Great Yorkshire Brewery ( formally Cropton Brewery ).
The festival will be held onsite and is set to become a regular event around St Georges day every year. It will raise money for The Yorkshire Regiment with £1 from every admission on the Saturday being donated to the Benevolent Trust.
Admission on Friday and Sunday will be free but donations to the trust will be welcome.
*The event timings are*
Friday 19th April ““ 6pm ““ midnight ““ Admission foc
Saturday 20th April 11am ““ midnight ““ Admission £5
Sunday 21st April 11am ““ 6pm ““ Admsiion foc
There will be plenty of local entertainment over the weekend, including
Friday – Chu Ma Shu, Jake d’Alquen,
Saturday – Red Chevrons, Friday Street, DivaStrop, Shamrockers & Memorium.+ a BBQ with 100% local meats. The Yorkshire Regiment will also be attendance with their inflatable assault course for those keen to test their agility.
For more info, please contact us on 01751 417330 or
Facebook ““ TheGreatYorkshireBrewery
Twitter – @yorkshirebeer