A Twice Smoked Duck Breast produced by Long Riston-based Staal Smokehouse has been
awarded 2 Star Gold in the Guild of Fine Food’s prestigious annual Great Taste Awards.
Staal Smokehouse is an exclusive, family run business situated near the beautiful market
town of Beverley in the East Riding of Yorkshire where they are surrounded by a rich array of
high calibre farms enabling them to source most of their produce from within the county of
Yorkshire. They believe there is no substitute for top quality ingredients and are committed to
sourcing only the finest, freshest foods for smoking.
Justin Staal of Staal Smokehouse said “We have only been operating for the last eight
months and to have one of our products awarded a 2 Star Gold is truly incredible. As a small
producer you try to control every part of the process to ensure that the end product is the
very best possible and to have this recognised by speciality food’s equivalent of the Oscars is
The Great Taste Awards is the largest and most trusted accreditation scheme for specialty
and fine food and drink and 2012 attracted a record number of entries. In total more than
8,800 food and drink products from more than 2,500 companies were blind-tasted and
discussed over 45 days of judging by 350 judges, from the world of fine food retailers, food
writers, restaurant critics and industry experts.