West Winds Yorkshire Tearooms in Buckden is 30 years old this month! The tearooms and guesthouse were opened at the end of August 1982 by Lynn Thornborrow with her parents Elsie and Charlie.
To mark the milestone, West Winds will take on a festive atmosphere throughout August with free gifts available for all customers.
And from Wednesday 29 August to Sunday 2 September 2012 all cakes and scones eaten in the tearooms will be at 1982 prices. That means, for example, a home-baked scone with strawberry jam and whipped double cream will be available for just 65p, compared with the normal price of £2. And a slice of our Yorkshire curd tart, made from an old family recipe that goes back 100 years, will be just 60p instead of £1.90.
Please help pass the word around and, if you can, please come along yourself and help us celebrate 30 years! See the attached poster for details.