Moroccan Spiced Lamb with Beetroot

Main courseServes N/K

Preheat the oven to 190°C. Wrap the beetroot in foil and place in a baking dish. Bake until tender (small ones will take 30-40 mins; larger up to 2 hours - test with a knife). Remove from the oven and leave until cool enough to handle, then rub off the skins. Roughly chop, then blitz in a food processor with the yoghurt, seasoning to taste. Mix the oil, lemon zest and juice, garlic and spices in a bowl. Add the lamb and toss together. If you have time, marinate in the fridge for an hour or two. Put the couscous in a large bowl and add just enough boiling water to cover. Pop in the butter, stir and leave to absorb for about 10 mins. Fluff it up with a fork. Add the lemon zest, juice, herbs and stir. Heat a griddle pan until very hot. Cook the lamb on both sides for 3-4 mins, depending on thickness. Rest the meat for 5 mins, then serve with the couscous and a dollop of beetroot purée (warm it in a pan if you like).

Nadia Sawalha’s Breakfast Scones

BreakfastServes 10

Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 10-15 minutes Preheat the oven to 220ºC, gas mark 7. Grease a baking tray. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the mushrooms for 4-5 minutes until golden. Grill the bacon whole and chop the bacon into small pieces, roughly 1cm. Mix the flours and baking powder in a large bowl and rub in the butter until it resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in the bacon mixture and half the cheese. Mix in the milk to form a soft dough. On a floured surface, roll out the dough to 2cm thick and using a 6cm round cutter, cut out 10 scones and place on the tray. Sprinkle over the remaining cheese. Bake for 10-15 minutes until golden. Perfect for eating on the go, wrapped in a napkin. The scones will keep for 2-3 days in an airtight container. The scones can also be frozen (best to freeze once cooled, on the day they have been baked) so you have a ready supply for busy weeks. Hints and tips Serve spread with low fat cream cheese, sliced tomatoes or ham for a more substantial breakfast on the go. For a vegetarian option replace the bacon with finely chopped spring onion or chives. Nutrient Per portion (1 scone) Per 100g Calories (kcal) 126 242 Protein 4 8 Fat 8 16 Of which saturated fat 4 8 Carbohydrate 8 16 Of which sugar 0.7 1.3 Salt Sodium equivalent 0.2 0.5

Marbled Fruity Porridge

BreakfastServes 1

Prep time: 2 minutes Cook time: 5 minutes Place the oats and milk in a small saucepan and bring to the boil, simmer for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir through the puree to create a marbled effect. Top with fresh fruit to serve. Hints and tips Try a variety of fruit purees or compotes and mix and match with your favourite fruits and what is in season. For extra sweetness add a little more fruit puree or compote. Nutrient Per portion Per 100g Calories 373 84 Protein 19 4 Fat 10 2 Of which saturated fat 3.8 0.8 Carbohydrate 55 12 Of which sugar (all naturally occurring sugars) 18 4 Salt Sodium equivalent Trace Trace

Oaty Yogurt with Nuts

SnackServes 1

Prep time: 5 minutes Dry fry the oats and nuts for about 3 minutes over a medium heat until toasted. Stir in the honey and dried fruit and allow to cool slightly. Reserve 1 tbsp of the mixture and stir the rest into the yogurt. Spoon into a glass and top with the reserved oat mixture before serving. Hints and tips Try using a flavoured yogurt like strawberry or add fresh fruit for a different taste. Nutrient Per portion Per 100g Calories 400 160 Protein 16 6.5 Fat 14 6 Of which saturated fat 1.6 0.7 Carbohydrate 54 22 Of which sugar (naturally occurring sugars only 5g of extrinsic sugars) 35 14 Salt Sodium equivalent trace Trace

Chutney Toast with Scrambled Eggs

StarterServes 1

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 5 minutes 2 medium eggs, whisked Dash semi skimmed milk (approx 1 tbsp) 1 tbsp chopped chives 1 thick slice wholemeal bread, toasted 1 tbsp tomato chutney Total cost: £0.92 Cost per serving: £0.92 Place the eggs, milk and seasoning in a small saucepan. Cook, stirring occasionally until lightly scrambled. Stir in the chives. Spread the chutney on the toast and top with the eggs. Hints and tips Try any flavoured savoury chutney or relish for variation. Nutrient Per portion Per 100g Calories 344 160 Protein 21.4 9.9 Fat 15.2 7.1 Of which saturated fat 4.2 2 Carbohydrate 32 15 Of which sugar 8 3.2 Salt Sodium equivalent 0.5 0.2

Vanilla Honey Yogurt Smoothie

DrinkServes 1

Prep time: 5 minutes Total cost: £0.51 Cost per serving: £0.51 Place all the ingredients in a liquidiser or food processor and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and drizzle over some extra honey to serve (optional). Hints and tips For a smoother texture, soak the bran flakes in the milk for 5-10 minutes in advance. Nutrient Per portion Per 100g Calories 259 89 Protein 13.3 4.6 Fat 3.8 1.3 Of which saturated fat 2.1 0.7 Carbohydrate 46 16 Of which sugar (all naturally occurring sugar) 34 11.6 Salt Sodium equivalent 0.3 0.1

The Breakfast Stack

Main courseServes 4

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 15-20 minutes Total cost: £4.38 Cost per serving: £1.10 Remove the stalks from the mushrooms and place in a grill pan. Slice the ends off the tomatoes and cut in half to create 2 circle shapes and place in the grill pan with the mushrooms. Place under a preheated grill for 5 minutes each side. Set aside and keep warm. Meanwhile, poach the eggs for 2-3 minutes (one at a time if easier). Place the bacon in the grill pan and grill for 5-6 minutes, turning once until golden and towards the end of cooking toast the muffins. Stack the bacon on top of the muffins then top with the mushrooms, tomatoes and then egg. Scatter with the chives and season with black pepper. Hints and tips To poach eggs, bring a wide, shallow pan of water to just simmering. Using the handle of a slotted spoon, swirl the simmering water to create a whirlpool or vortex then crack the eggs, one or two at a time, directly into the centre of the whirlpool. As the eggs cook, use the spoon to keep the water moving and ensure the egg whites wrap around the yolks (do this carefully so as not to break the eggs). After 1-2 minutes, or when the egg white is cooked, remove them from the pan using the slotted spoon and set aside to drain on kitchen paper. For a firm yolk cook for a further minute or so. For a vegetarian option simply remove the bacon. Nutrient Per portion Per 100g Calories 242 80 Protein 16.6 5.5 Fat 11.8 3.9 Of which saturated fat 3.8 1.2 Carbohydrate 18.6 6.1 Of which sugar 4.6 1.5 Salt Sodium equivalent 0.7 0.2


Main courseServes 12-15

Cooking Instructions This is the easiest recipe in the world and I guarantee once you've made your own crumpets, you wont ever buy them again. My kids adore these and they disappear in minutes! Sieve the flour and salt into a large bowl (remember the mixture has to rise so leave plenty of space). Sprinkle the dried yeast on top. Make a well in the flour and pour in the water. Roll your sleeves up and beat well with a wooden spoon until incorporated and no pockets of flour remain. Cover with cling film and leave in a warm spot until the mixture is well risen, preferably approx doubled in volume. On a gentle heat warm a frying pan on the stove (I use a crepe pan). Add a little butter and allow to melt. Grease some tart rings and place in the pan. Spoon dollops of the mixture into the rings to less than half full. The crumpets will carry on rising as they cook and you will see them drying out around the edge. Flip the rings over HOMEMADE CRUMPETS and tease them out of the moulds. When the second side is golden, they're ready to serve. ........ To Serve They're great on their own with just butter and/0r jam, delicious with scrambled egg, but I like to grill some bacon at the same time and serve with a fried egg. If you're late to rise they make a terrific brunch with bacon, Yorkshire Brie and Redcurrant Jelly. Enjoy, Fi x

duck eggs – quick tips

Main courseServes N/A

Duck eggs are full of flavour and are slightly larger than hen eggs. You can eat them in the same way, but if you're not a fan of their richer taste they're also great for baking with. The whites have more protein in them and can become rubbery if overcooked, so treat them carefully if frying or scrambling. Keep your eggs at room temperature. NB Avoid serving lightly cooked or raw eggs to the vulnerable: e.g. children, the elderly and during pregnancy. 1. boiling: For a slightly runny yolk, boil an average sized duck egg for 6-7 mins. If you want a hard-boiled egg, cook for 9 mins. The shells are more fragile than hen eggs; to help avoid them cracking keep them at room temperature and lower them gently into the water with a slotted spoon. Pricking the shell with a pin (being careful not to pierce the egg sac) can also help. If you're not eating hard-boiled eggs immediately then plunge them into cold water after cooking and leave to cool before peeling - this will stop a grey tinge forming on the yolk's edge. 2. poaching: Put a large piece of clingfilm into a ramekin, leaving plenty overhanging. Lightly brush a little olive or rapeseed oil on the inside of the clingfilm. Carefully crack the egg into the ramekin. Twist the clingfilm tightly together around the egg to seal it. Carefully lower into simmering water and cook for 5 mins. Remove with a slotted spoon and carefully peel off the clingfilm. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. 3. baking: Duck eggs are particularly good for baking as the yolks are richer with a higher fat content than hen eggs and the larger whites will add volume to cakes. If whisking duck egg whites, you may find they take longer to whisk than hen eggs as the extra protein makes them less frothy to start with. Use 1 duck egg to 1 hen egg in most recipes, except those that require very fine measurements eg macaroons. Although they are slightly larger, it doesn't generally affect recipes to a great extent. If the eggs are particularly huge, then use your common sense and add one less egg.

roasted carrot & chickpea salad with tahini dressing

Main courseServes 4

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Toss the carrots in a baking dish with the oil, chilli, cumin, coriander and paprika. Season with salt and pepper. Roast for 30-40 mins, until tender. Remove from the oven and toss in the chickpeas, coating them with the spices. Leave to cool slightly. Scatter the salad, chickpeas, preserved lemon rind and carrots over a large serving plate. Make the dressing: stir the tahini with the yoghurt until you have a smooth paste. Whisk in the rest of the ingredients with a few tbsp water, just enough so the dressing has the consistency of pouring cream. Drizzle over the salad.

moroccan chicken & couscous broth

Main courseServes 4

Put the chicken legs in a large saucepan with the onion wedges, lemon, cinnamon, coriander and parsley. Cover with 2 litres of water. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and gently simmer for 45 mins. Scoop out the chicken pieces (check they are cooked through) and leave until cool enough to handle. Remove and discard the skin and tear the flesh into strips, being careful to remove all the bones. Strain off the stock, discarding any solids. Put the liquid back in the pan. You need approx 1½ litres, so boil to reduce if necessary. Leave to cool slightly and skim off any fat. Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan. Add the chopped onions and cook on a low heat for a few mins to soften. Add the garlic and chillies and cook for another 2 mins. Stir in the cumin, paprika, mint and tomato purée. Pour in the broth and bring to the boil. Add the couscous and reduce the heat. Simmer for 15-20 mins, until the couscous is cooked. Add the cooked chicken and stir for a 2 mins to warm through. Season to taste. Scatter over the coriander, preserved lemon and pomegranate seeds to serve.


DessertServes 12

Preheat the oven to 180C, Mark 4, 350F. Cream the butter and sugar and beat until light. Lightly mix the eggs with vanilla essence, lemon rind and juice and beat into the creamed mixture a little at a time. Sift the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add the rolled oats and chopped walnuts. Fold in the flour mixture, along with the extra milk if needed to make a soft consistency. Place in a greased tin measuring approximately 25cm x 18 cm/10 x 7 inches or a square tin approximately 20cms/8 inches and smooth the top with a palette knife. Bake in the centre of a moderate oven for about 30-35 minutes until golden brown. Allow to cool and then cut into whatever shape you wish such as squares, triangles or fingers. Yum!