Honey Roast Duck Confit with Tomato Beans

Main courseServes 4

h4. To make the duck confit # Weigh the duck legs and place on a tray. Sprinkle with 15g salt per kilo, then sprinkle with the thyme, cover with clingfilm and place in fridge overnight # Heat the duck fat to simmering point, add the duck legs and cook slowly for about 1-2 hours, until the meat is almost falling off the bones, leave to cool in the fat # Preheat oven to 180 degrees # Scrape the fat from the duck legs # To serve place in a tray, smear with the honey and roast for about 10 minutes h4. To make the tomato stew # Heat the oil in a pan, gently cook the garlic and spring onion until soft, add the thyme leaves and tomatoes and cook gently for 5 minutes # Add the white wine and beans and cook for a further 2-3 mins # Add parsley and season h4. For the sauce # Heat all the ingredients apart from the butter, boil and simmer until reduced # Stir in the butter, remove from heat h4. To serve # Place the warm stew on plate # Top with the duck confit, spoon the sauce around

Radish, Broad Bean, Mint & Lemon Salad

Side dishServes 10

– Boil the broad beans in a pan of water for 3-8 minutes or until just soft. Drain and plunge into cold water to stop them cooking further. Drain again and then pop the tender, bright green beans out of their thick, leathery skins by squeezing gently. – Slice the radishes and red onion quite thinly and add to the beans – Scoop out the flesh from the preserved lemon and discard. Very finely chop the remaining lemon skin and fresh herbs, and add to the beans. – Make the dressing by adding the zest and juice of the lemon to a good generous glug of olive oil. Whisk together with the ground cumin. Pour over the salad and toss to combine

Smoked Hungarian Style Sausage, Chicken and Butter Bean Stew

Main courseServes 4

Preheat your oven to 160 degrees Season the chicken with salt and pepper and brown in a preheated casserole in a little olive oil. This will take around 5 minutes on each side to develop some colour. Remove to a plate and add the roughly diced onion, carrot and celery to the same pan. Cook for ten minutes stirring as the vegetables soften. Add the garlic, chilli, smoked paprika, bay leaf and thyme and continue to cook briefly before adding the sausages. Cook over a medium heat allowing the sausages to flavour the vegetables. Add in the tomato purée and cook for a further 2 minutes, splash in the wine, allow to bubble briefly before adding the tomatoes, and a splash of water. Next return the chicken to the pan, stir to combine and place on a tight fitting lid. Transfer to the preheated oven for 30 minutes, remove, add the butter beans and stir in, before replacing the casserole, this time without the lid, for a further twenty minutes. At this stage reduce the sauce on the stove top if necessary, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Stir in a handful of chopped flat leaf parsley and serve.

Tower of Scallops and Smoked Haddock in a Parsley Sauce

StarterServes 4

# Cut scallops in two cross-wise. # Slice the haddock in slices the same thickness as the scallops. # Melt the butter, sweat the shallots add the garlic then tomatoes and season. # Toss in butter, 2 minutes, take off and cool. # Melt 1oz butter, add shallots, sweat do not colour. # Add white wine, reduce by half. # Add fish stock and double cream, reduce by half and season. # Meanwhile, layer the haddock and scallops, putting tomato concassé in the centre in 2 inch rings. # Season and steam 6-8 minutes, take out and drain, put into serving dish. # Add parsley to sauce and pour over the scallops.

Yorkshire Blue Beef with Yorkshire Blue and Whiskey Sauce

Main courseServes 4

# Heat 1 tablespoon oil in griddle pan, cook steaks but keep underdone, take out and keep warm. # Put in chopped shallots and cook slowly, do not colour. # Add whiskey and flambé. # Extinguish by adding white wine and reduce by a third. # Add chicken stock and reduce by half. # Add double cream and reduce. # Take from the heat, put diced cheese into sauce and allow to melt. # Meanwhile cut potatoes into quarters diced. # Fry in 1 tablespoon oil and 1oz butter until cooked and golden brown, when cooked, remove most of fat, and rubbed thyme and season. # At the same time melt 1oz butter. # Sweat crushed garlic, add green beans and reheat, season. # Serve the steaks over the green beans. # Pour the sauce over the steaks and potatoes.