Chocolate & Hazelnut Celebration Bread

DessertServes 8

Get your Easter baking underway early with this delicious and sweet celebration bread from the team at the Side Oven Bakery in Foston on the Wolds. With crunchy undertones of hazelnut this stunning bread makes a great centre piece and is perfect with a cup of a coffee. For more recipe inspiration and to buy their award winning range of flours, granolas and more online visit

Lockwoods Chocolate Pot

DessertServes 12

If you’ve an abundance of chocolate eggs lying around this weekend why turn them into something altogether more elegant with this simple yet delicious Chocolate Pot recipe from award winning restaurant Lockwoods in Ripon.  Perfect for an Easter tea time treat!  

White Chocolate and Crab Risotto

StarterServes 4

Add a touch of luxury to a weekend supper with this sumptuous White Chocolate and Crab Risotto from Master chocolatier David Greenwood-Haigh of West Yorkshire based Coeur de Xocolat. Choose Italian Arborio risotto rice which stay firm but make a good creamy risotto and add the white chocolate (or coca butter) at the end instead of the usual knob of butter for a creamy and delicious dish. Preparation Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 25 mins :

Chocolate Brownie and Coffee Ice Cream Sandwich

DessertServes 6

# Melt the chocolate with the margarine in a bowl over a pan of boiling water. # Stir in the sugar, milk and vanilla essence, then add the flour. You will have something that is a strange gloopy consistency. # Spread into shallow oblong tin and cook for about 25 minutes at 200°C/400°F until cooked. # Leave it in the tin to cool, then cut into slices. # Place a dollop of coffee ice cream between two fat slices of brownies.

After Eight Butter Croissant Pudding with Mint Chocolate Custard

DessertServes 4

# Preheat the oven to 160°C, 325°F, Gas Mark 3. Grease a 20 cm (approximately 1 litre) baking dish. # Slice the croissants thickly and arrange the slices in the dish, scattered with the After Eight mints. In a large jug, beat the milk, cream, eggs and vanilla. Slowly pour the mixture over the croissants and sprinkle with sugar. # Place the dish in a deep roasting pan and pour enough boiling water to come half way up the sides. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes until the custard is softly set (has a slight wobble) and the top is puffy and golden. Dust with icing sugar and serve warm.

Chefs Tip

This is fabulous when made with slices of Panettone instead of croissant. You can prepare it a little in advance and keep in the fridge until ready to bake.

Chocolate Beetroot Mousse Cake

DessertServes 8

# To cook the beetroot, wrap each one in foil and place in a baking dish. Bake in the oven at 200ºC until soft (test by inserting a sharp knife). This can take anything from 45 minutes to 1½ hours, depending on the size of your beetroot. # Remove from the oven, leave until cool enough to handle, unwrap the foil, then rub off the skins; they should come off easily (wear a pair of rubber gloves to keep your hands from turning pink if you like). Blitz the beetroot in a food processor until smooth. # Grease and line a 23cm springform cake tin, leaving about 2cm of baking parchment above the rim of the tin, as the mixture rises quite high while baking. # Preheat your oven to 180ºC. # Put the chocolate and butter in a large heatproof bowl, fitted snugly over a pan of barely simmering water. Once the chocolate and butter have melted, remove from the heat and leave to cool. # While the chocolate is cooling, whisk the egg yolks and sugar in another large bowl until light, pale and voluminous. This will take 4-5 minutes with a handheld electric mixer. # Add the ground almonds, almond essence and puréed beetroot and stir to combine. # Fold the chocolate mixture into the egg yolk and beetroot and stir gently until all the mixture is combined. # Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until they form soft peaks, then, using a slotted metal spoon, fold a large spoonful of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture. # Carefully combine it in until you can't see any white bits, then very gently fold in the rest, keeping as much air in the mixture as possible. Make sure no white bits remain. # Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes, until the mixture has risen well, and still has a bit of a bounce to it when pressed. It may have cracked slightly, this is normal. # Remove from the oven, leave to cool completely in the tin on a wire rack before transferring to your serving plate. # Dust over a mixture of cocoa powder and icing sugar to serve. It will sink slightly as there's no flour in the mixture and will be gooey in the middle if you eat it the same day, and slightly firmer after 24 hours. Serve with cream or crème fraîche.

Dandelion & Burdock Truffles from David Greenwood- Haigh (Coeur de Xocolat)

Serves 24

1. Gradually add the Dandelion & burdock to the melted chocolate using a blending stick to incorporate 2. Add the local honey (taste) 3. Once smooth and glossy cool your ganache in the refrigerator until completely set, about 30 minutes. 4. Scoop out a heaping tablespoon or so and quickly roll it into a ball between your hands 5. Dip the ball in the tempered chocolate to create a glossy, crisp shell or roll it in cocoa powder mixed with icing sugar to take away the bitter edge. 6. Allow to set on a baking sheet for several hours. 7. Store in an airtight container

Dark Chocolate Cake with a Blackberry jam middle

DessertServes 12

Pre Heat your oven to 170C (Not fan) Combine all the cake ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat together until a smooth batter is formed. Grease and line 2x 20cm Circular cake tins and pour in the batter spitting equally between them both, place in the oven and cook for 20-25 mins or until a cooked. (mention how to test this if you are with the other cakes) Leave for a few mins then remove from the tins and allow to cool on a cooling rack. When the cakes are cooked whip the double cream until firm. Add in the icing sugar jsut at the end of whipping. Firstly spread the jam generously over one of the cakes, followed by the cream. For a bit of extra luxury scatter in the chocolate chips if using the place the second cake on top.

White Chocolate Pot with Raspberry Jelly and Raspberry Sorbet

DessertServes 6


# To make 400ml cold stock syrup, boil 300g castor sugar, 25g glucose and 400ml water together for 5 minutes.

For the pots:

# Place the cream, zest and vanilla pod (deseeded) into a pan. # Bring to boil and infuse for 30 minutes. # Melt white chocolate and then add yolks. # Bring cream back to simmer, add to chocolate, mixing well. # Pass through a sieve into a jug. # Pour into six shot style glasses and fill, stopping around 6mm from the top of glass. # Cool to room temperature, then place in fridge.

Raspberry sorbet:

# Puree raspberries and pass through sieve. # Measure out 600g of puree, reserving the rest. # Add around 300ml of stock syrup to puree. # Add raspberry liquor to taste, along with a squeeze of lemon. # Rest in fridge for a couple of hours, then churn in ice cream maker. # Place in freezer.

Raspberry jelly:

# Soften gelatine in a little cold water. # Heat up remaining puree with around 50ml of stock syrup. # Squeeze out gelatine, add to raspberry puree. # Leave to cool, mixing regularly. # When nearly setting, top chocolate pots with jelly. # Return to fridge to set.

To serve:

# Place chocolate pot on plate and decorate with raspberry sauce, optional caramel springs (practice required!) and fresh raspberries. # Place sorbet on plate and serve.

Chocolate Almond Cake with Raspberries

DessertServes 10

# Preheat the oven to 160°C/Gas Mark 3. # Butter a 20cm cake tin and line the base with baking parchment. # Place the chocolate, brandy, coffee and butter in a bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water (don't let the base of the bowl touch the water). # When melted, stir in the sugar, ground almonds and rice flour. Beat in the egg yolks. # Whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks and fold in 1 tablespoon to loosen the mixture, then fold in all the rest. # Fold in the raspberries. # Empty the batter into the prepared tin and bake for 45 minutes. # Enjoy!

Kirsty Allsopp’s chocolate heaven cupcakes

SnackServes 12

# Preheat the oven to 180°C, (160°C for fan ovens), Gas Mark 4. # Place the flour, cocoa powder, condensed milk, egg, vanilla extract, buttery spread and baking powder in a bowl and beat with an electric hand mixer for 2-3 minutes until pale and fluffy. # Spoon into the cases and bake for approximately 15-18 minutes until springy to the touch and golden brown. Cool slightly then transfer to a cooling rack to cool completely. # Beat the icing sugar, cocoa powder, buttery spread and vanilla with enough condensed milk to bring the mixture to a soft consistency. Spread or pipe onto the cakes. Decorate with the Nestlé Smarties.