A bumper crop of broad beans is proving the star of the harvest at Riverford on Home Farm, which produces and distributes vegboxes across the North of England.

Based near Newby Wiske, the farm has seen its crop of broad beans yield just over a fifth more than expected from the 2.5 acres planted.

Farmer Peter Richardson said: “The broad beans have been exceptional in terms of their yield and quality ““ they are one of the stand out stars so far this summer.”

Peter puts the success of his broad beans down to the recent weather and growing conditions which have proved difficult for other crops. “Broad beans tend to like more moisture than other crops and they’ve come up beautifully this time round,” he said.

Riverford on Home Farm is working at full capacity harvesting this summer’s crops. Joining the broad beans in its vegboxes are courgettes, broccoli, summer cabbage, onions and carrots.

Prolonged wet weather does affect yields and delays the harvesting of some crops. Too much water consolidates soil, reducing the space and air in which plants take hold, and making nutrients less readily available.

However, Riverford on Home Farm is now catching up on its vegetable harvesting cycle with cabbages, cauliflowers, kales and sprouts all on target for the autumn and winter seasons.

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