The Cooking School at The Great Yorkshire Show

The 174 year-old Great Yorkshire Show has steadily become synonymous with quality, showcasing Yorkshire’s finest agricultural feats and the best of what Yorkshire has to offer.

In that spirit Matthew Benson-Smith from The Cooking School at Dean Clough and Robert Ramsden from Delifresh will be on the Game Stage, on 10 July, cooking Duck Two Ways using Yorkshire quality ingredients.

On 10 July in the afternoon and again on 11 July, Matthew will be in the Pride of Yorkshire of pub with Steve Livens of the British Beer and Pub Association. Where they will entertain and delight you with their renowned skill of matching food and beer together. On the menu Matthew will cook up, chocolate and raspberry truffles, beetroot marinated salmon and beef and wasabi pancake roll.

Matthew said, “It’s always wonderful to be at the Great Yorkshire Show, the showground is buzzing with life, you can smell and sample the best of Yorkshire food and it’s simply a great day out. The dishes I’ve planned for the Great Yorkshire Show are interesting, which I’m sure people will enjoy and try when they get home.”

For more information or recipes of what Matthew will be cooking at the Great Yorkshire Show at “”: