Mincemeat and Apple Tart

DessertServes 6-8

Ahead of a busy festive season, the team at Masham based Rosebud Preserves have released their new Almond & Orange Mincemeat, and with it a new recipe for a seasonal tart. A perfect pudding for the colder months and a great twist on a British classic, the new mincemeat is simply prepared with fresh Bramley apples, plump vine fruits, lively citrus and a measure of brandy and pairs beautifully with the crisp pastry and fresh apples. For more recipe inspiration and to buy online visit: www.rosebudpreserves.co.uk  

Seasonal Fruit Crumble Cake

DessertServes 8

The perfect pudding using late summer fruit, this rustic, seasonal fruit crumble cake has a fruity, crumbly topping that is packed with sweet flavour. Using Apple & Rhubarb Juice from the team at Yorkshire Wolds Apple Juice and award-winning Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil, this easy to make cake uses rhubarb alongside fresh apples to give it a real taste of Yorkshire. For more sweet and savoury recipe inspiration visit www.yorkshirerapeseedoil.co.uk

Pulled Pork Buns with Apple & Fennel Slaw

Main courseServes 8

A slow cooked dish that’s sure to be a crowd pleaser, this Pulled Pork with Apple & Fennel Slaw recipe from the team at Yorkshire Wolds Apple Juice Co uses their delicious Braeburn Apple Juice alongside British pork shoulder for a match made in heaven. Perfect for a supper in the garden, serve with home-made slaw and a glass of your favourite tipple. For more recipe inspiration and to buy online visit www.yorkshirewoldsapplejuice.co.uk  

Ampleforth Abbey Apple Crumble Cheesecake

DessertServes 8

Try this summery twist on a classic comforting pud from the apple experts and award winning drink producers at Ampleforth Abbey.  Perfect for a summery evening in the garden.

Ampleforth Apple and Yorkshire Hedgerow Blackberry Crumble Creme Anglaise

DessertServes 2


# Peel and core the apples and chop roughly. # Place in a saucepan with the sugar and cover with a lid, cook until softened, then add the blackberries and stir.

Crumble Topping

# Place the dry ingredients into a bowl and rub in the butter until a crumble texture is reached. # Put the compote mix into a suitable baking dish, cover with the crumble topping and bake in the oven at 180°C for approximately 20-30 minutes.

Crème Anglaise

# Bring the milk, cream and vanilla pod to the boil. # Whisk the sugar and egg yolks together until light and fluffy. # Slowly pour in the hot liquid constantly stirring. # Pour the mix back into the pan and gently heat, constantly stirring until the mixture thickens. # Sieve into a suitable pouring jug.

Roast Grouse with Ampleforth Abbey Apple Purée, Mulled Brambles and Sloe Gin Juices

Main courseServes 4

# Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4. # Place the grouse on an oven tray, season, then take the pancetta and cover over the bird's breasts, to keep them moist, and roast for about 16 to 18 minutes. # Then remove from the oven and leave to rest.

To make the apple purée:

# First peel and core the apples, then cut each apple into quarters. # Place the apples into a small saucepan adding a little water and the sugar, then bring to boil and cook until very soft. # Purée in the food processor until smooth. # Bring the mulled wine to the boil, then place the brambles in a small dish and cover with the wine, leaving to cool and take on the flavours of the wine.

To make the sauce:

# Heat the veal stock and reduce by half. # At this point, add the sloe gin, which will add a rich and fruity flavour to the sauce. # To serve, take the breasts and legs off the birds and keep warm, spoon the apple purée on to the plate and place two breasts and legs on each plate, spoon the mulled brambles around the plate and finish with the sloe gin sauce, adding the pancetta to garnish on top.

Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil – Almond and Apple Cake

DessertServes 16

Pre heat your oven to 180C (170C Fan) Sift the flour into a mixing bowl and stir through the sugar and almonds. Add the rapeseed oil, milk, vanilla and almond essence and eggs and stir through until you have a smooth batter. Peel and core the apples and cut into chunks, add to the batter and stir through. Turn the mixture out into a 20cm greased and lined cake tin and cook in the middle of the oven for about 45 mins or until cooked through. Allow to cool and turn out, decorate with a dusting of icing sugar and flaked almonds and enjoy with a cup of tea!

Local Moss Valley Pork Three Ways by Andy Gabbitas

Main courseServes 4

Wrap the Parma ham around the pork fillets and pan fry until golden, then place in a medium hot oven at 180°C for 8 minutes, or until cooked through. Place the belly pork on a trivet over an oven tray and roast in a hot oven at 190°C for 45 minutes, then turn the oven down to 170°C for 45 minutes and a final 45 minutes at 150°C – this will render away the fat and ensure a crisp skin. Cut into portion sizes. Braise the pork cheeks in some beef stock at 160°C for 2 hours, or until tender. Strain and reduce the braising liquid to make a sauce. Melt the butter in a frying pan until foaming, add the apples and colour until a golden brown, turn them over and do both sides and add the sugar to the pan, swirl to make a caramel then remove from heat. For the bubble & squeak mix any leftover veg with mashed potato, shape into loose patties and pan fry until crisp and golden on both sides. To assemble place the bubble and squeak on a plate, top with three slices of pork fillet. Add one piece of belly pork, serve the braised cheek on a bed of wilted spinach add the caramelised apples and pour over some of the reduced braising stock.

Roasted Garlic Sausage with Root Vegetables

Main courseServes 4

Pre heat the oven to 180ºC or Gas 4 Peel and wash the carrot, beetroot and potato, then chop into 1 cm chunks. Cook in lightly salted water with some thyme and garlic, till tender. Fry the sausage gently in Olive oil along with the onions and apple chunks until brown all over. Drain the vegetables and add to sausage, onions and apple and fry for 5 minutes, season with Salt & Pepper, then transfer into baking dish and cook in the oven for ten minutes. Take the dish out of the oven, sprinkle with some chopped Parsley, and serve.

Butter Roasted Breast of Quail on a Waldorf Salad with a Green Apple Dressing

Main courseServes 4

1. French trim the winglets of the quail and remove the wishbone (your butcher may be able to do this for you!) 2. Chop the basil leaves and mix with the walnut oil. 3. Sear the skins of the quail. 4. Brush with the basil and walnut mix. 5. Brush regularly. 6. Chop the onions and carrot for mirepoix. 7. Place in the roasting dish. 8. Stand the quail crown on top, season and roast in a hot oven at 200c for 8-10 minutes, keep pink. 9. Take out of oven and out of dish and keep warm. 10. Meanwhile clean the green apples, cut a thin slice (1/8 of an inch) and cut into a dice. Put into lemon juice. 11. Cut the rest of the apples into small batons and place into mayonnaise, add crème fraiche. 12. Peel and cut celery into same size batons and add to mix. 13. Add broken up walnuts. 14. Mix and check seasoning. 15. Spoon into middle of bowl. 16. Mix green dice of apple and lemon juice with olive oil and season with Tabasco. 17. Take off breasts of bird and lay on salad. 18. Spoon dressing over, lay pluche of chervil on top and serve.

Black Pudding Toast with Apple Jelly

StarterServes 4

To make the Apple Jelly

# Clean the apples, cut into quarters, put into a large pot, and add the lemon juice and water. Cover and cook gently until the apples become mush, about 20 minutes (depending on apples). # Put into a jelly bag or a conical sieve lined with a muslin suspended over a bowl, and allow to drain, preferably overnight. Try hard not to push and poke, but allow the juice to come through naturally, so as to get a clearer jelly. # Measure the juice and add 450g (1lb) sugar for every 600ml (1 pint) of juice. Put into a clean pan and simmer gently until the sugar has dissolved. Boil rapidly, stirring frequently and skimming off any scum that arises, until settling point is achieved, after about 15 minutes. If ready, take off the heat, pour into clean jars, and leave to set

Black Pudding

# Cut the black pudding lengthways into slices to match the length of the bread, however, if you can only do rounds, cut as thinly as you can. (slices are easier to eat than rounds.) Heat the fat and gently fry the black pudding until coloured and cooked, about 5 minutes. Drain well on kitchen paper. # Meanwhile toast the bread, take off the crusts. Spread the bread with a little apple jelly. lay the cooked black pudding on top, and cut the bread in half lengthways. Spoon a little apple jelly on each toast and serve

A Show of Yorkshire Pork

Main courseServes 6

h4. For the loin # Preheat your oven to its highest setting (250cgas 9) and put an oiled baking tray into the oven to get hot. # Season the loin of pork with salt and pepper. # Place your pork onto your heated tray and roast for 15-20 minutes. # Then, turn the oven's heat down to 180°c and roast for approx 25 minutes per 450g until cooked through. h4. For the fillet # Cut your fillets in half crossways and season well. Roll in flour, then egg, then polenta. # Heat one tbsp of oil in a frying pan and fry the meat for 2-3 minutes until browned. # The roast for 15 minutes until cooked through. h4. For the terrine # Make the filling by dicing up or mincing the pork, add the egg. Place in a food processor and purée. # Place in a bowl and add the diced pork, black pudding, button onions, sage and flat leaf parsley. # Gently fold in, season well with salt and freshly ground pepper. # Roll in cling film and tin foil. # Place the terrine in a large deep roasting pan and place in the oven. # Carefully pour in hot water around the terrine until the water reaches half way up the terrine. # Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour until cooked through. # Best served at room temperature. h4. For the apples # Melt butter and sauté the apples. # Add a touch of lime juice and warm for another few minutes. h4. For the sauce # Sauté the shallots, add the vinegar until its almost evaporated. # Add the port, reduce to half, add red wine and reduce by half again. # Add the chicken stock and simmer for 1 hour, strain and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper. Best served with butternut squash purée, seasonal Yorkshire vegetables and creamed potatoes.