Smoked streaky bacon, poached eggs & hollandaise

BreakfastServes 3

Cook up a storm this Father’s Day with this delicious smoked streaky bacon, poached eggs & hollandaise recipe from the team at Swaledale Butchers and chef George Ryle. Not quite an eggs benedict, this version uses the award-winning online butchers crisp, streaky bacon to create the perfect dish for a lazy weekend brunch. For more recipe inspiration and to buy their range online visit

Grilled Mushrooms with Smoked Bacon and Brie

Main courseServes 1

The autumnal turn in the weather makes comfort food a must, so why not give this indulgent grilled toasty a try from the team at Harrogate based farm shop Fodder. Using locally grown grilled mushrooms with smoked bacon paired with creamy brie cheese, this dish is the perfect salty and smooth food marriage and is perfect for a weekend brunch. For more information and recipe inspiration visit

Cauliflower Cheese with Bacon and Mushrooms

Side dishServes 4

Boil a pan of water and add the cauliflower florets.  Cook for about 10 minutes or until tender and then drain. Fry the bacon lardons until coloured, remove from the pan and set aside but leave the fat in the pan.  Add the mushrooms and fry for 2 -3 minutes then set aside. Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the flour to make a roux.  Stir in the mustard powder, grated cheese and double cream.  The mixture should be thick and creamy once the cheese has melted.  Season to taste, then add the bacon and mushrooms. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas 4.  Place the cauliflower in an ovenproof casserole dish and pour over the sauce.  Sprinkle a pinch of freshly ground nutmeg over the top. Mix the breadcrumbs with the parmesan/monchego cheese and sprinkle over the mixture.  Cook for 15 minutes or until the topping is golden-brown and bubbling. Spoon the cauliflower cheese onto plates and serve with a crisp salad and crusty bread.

Paul Boyer’s Pheasant with Chorizo from The Cooking with Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil Book

Main courseServes 4

Preheat the oven to 170 C / Fan 150 / Gas Mark 3 Begin by removing the skins from the tomatoes: place them in a heat proof bowl, cover with boiling water and leave for a couple of minutes until the skins have split. Carefully drain away the hot water and when cool enough to handle, peel off the skins. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and remove and discard the seeds. Roughly chop the remaining tomato flesh. Using a deep frying pan or wok on a hot hob, heat 1tbsp of the Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil with Chilli & Spice and fry the chopped bacon until crispy. Remove the bacon from the pan and put into an ovenproof casserole dish which has a lid. Put half of the chorizo slices (leave the other half to one side) into the frying pan and cook until the fat has been released and the chorizo is crispy. Remove from the pan and add to the bacon in the casserole. Coat the pheasant joints in the flour and cook in the frying pan to brown and seal the meat. Remove and add to the casserole with the bacon and chorizo. Fry the onions and garlic in the same frying pan until just beginning to brown. Then add the chopped tomatoes, dry white wine, beef stock, tomato puree, bay leaves and paprika. Stir well over the heat to mix everything together. When the mixture starts to bubble, pour it into the casserole over the meat. Cover with a tight fitting lid and cook in the oven for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the remaining 1tbsp Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil with Chilli & Spice in a frying pan and fry the remaining chorizo until crispy. Remove the chorizo from the pan and drain it on kitchen paper, ready to use as a garnish. Season the casserole with salt and pepper to taste and serve the pheasant (a leg and a breast joint per person) with the chorizo and bacon sauce and a crispy chorizo garnish. *Try this... Chicken with Chorizo and Bacon - chicken joints may be used instead of the pheasant, in which case the cooking time in the oven may need to be extended a little.*

Bacon, Mushroom and Rocket Risotto

Main courseServes 2

# Heat the oil in a saucepan, add onion and bacon and cook for 1-2 minutes . # Add the rice and cook for 2-3 minutes until the rice starts to look 'glassy'. # Add mushrooms and pork stock gradually and bring to the boil. # Season and simmer gently for 30 minutes or until the rice is cooked and liquid is absorbed. # Add the asparagus and top with rocket leaves and grated Parmesan # Serve and enjoy immediately!

Bacon, Tomato and Fennel Tarte Tatin

SnackServes 4 - 6

# Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4, 180°C, 350°F. # Place the sugar and butter onto a shallow baking tray, roughly mix together and spread over the tray. # Add the bacon rashers, tomatoes and fennel. (Remembering that when the tarte is turned upside down the bottom will become the top!) Finish off with chopped rosemary and sprigs and drizzle with oil. # Place in the oven for about 8-10 minutes, remove and turn the oven temperature up to Gas Mark 6, 200°C, 400°F. # Roll out the pastry to fit the baking tray and loosely place on top of the bacon mixture. # Bake in the oven for about 15-20 minutes until the pastry is well risen and golden. # Remove and allow to stand for 1-2 minutes and then carefully turn out onto a serving plate. # Serve hot or cold in wedges

Breakfast Topped Bread

SnackServes 4

# Preheat the oven to 200ºC, gas mark 6. # Mix the bread mix with 140ml warm water (or according to the pack instructions) and knead into a smooth dough. Allow to rest for 5 minutes. Knead again and roll out to a 28cm circle. Place on a lightly greased baking tray and cover with clingfilm. Leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. # Spread the tomato puree over the pizza base and top with the tomatoes. Scatter over the mushrooms and cheese. Make 4 wells in the topping and crack in the eggs. Scatter over the bacon. # Bake for 20 minutes until golden.

Sausage Stew with Celeriac and Kale

Main courseServes 4

1. In a large, heavy-based saute pan or saucepan, shallow-fry the sausages and lardons in the oil for 5 minutes. Remove the sausages. 2. Add the onions and cook for 10 minutes. Increase the heat and add the celeriac, stirring frequently to stop the onions from burning. 3. Add the garlic, herbs and tomato puree and stir well for 2 minutes. 4. Deglaze the pan with red wine, stirring to remove the sticky bits from the base, then add the stock, Worcestershire sauce and mustard. 5. Bring the contents of the pan to a simmer, return the sausages, cover and cook for about 20 minutes. Add the kale to the pan and wilt on top of the other ingredients for 10 minutes, then mix it in. 6. Add the white beans, season and cook for a further 5 minutes. Visit to see vegboxes from £10.35, with free delivery

Black Sheep Brewery Liver and Bacon

Main courseServes 4

Bring the potatoes to boil and simmer for around 25- 30 minutes. When cooked the potatoes should start to break up, so check by using a fork. Drain the potatoes in a colander and turn back into the pan and dry out over a little heat, to take off any excess water. In a small pan or microwaveable dish, put the butter and a drop of milk or cream, then heat and melt together and add this to the potatoes. Season and mash the potatoes. You can add some chopped fresh sage or parsley at this point. To make the gravy, which can be made in advance, put the beef/lamb bones in a baking tray with the vegetables all chopped up and smother in the tomato paste/purée. Roast in the oven at 200ºC for around 45 minutes until the bones are brown and tomato paste caramelised. Drain any fat off the bones and put in to a heavy and deep pan or casserole dish with the vegetables, two bottles of Black Sheep ale or Riggwelter, a pint of water and a table spoon of garlic purée. Bring to a boil on high heat and skim off any impurities, then turn down heat and simmer for around two hours until its reduced by half. Then thicken with a little corn starch and pass through a sieve into a jug and leave to one side. Dispose of the bones and vegetables and wash the pan. Return to medium heat and add a few drops of sunflower oil or rape seed oil with two thinly sliced onions, moving them around until caramelised. Drain off any oil and then add the gravy and simmer for 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and a couple or dashes of Worcestershire or Yorkshire sauce, if you wish to add a kick. Pan fry the liver to your required taste and finish with a couple rashers of crisp baked streaky bacon/pancetta. Alternatively, the bacon/pancetta can be baked for 15 minutes in a hot oven until crispy, then left to go cold and blended to a crumb and sprinkled over the liver after cooking it. Serve with the mashed potatoes and gravy.

A recipe for traditional Roast Grouse by Mehdi Boukemach – Head Chef at Fodder, Harrogate.

Main courseServes 4

To make the bread sauce; bring the milk to the boil with the onion in it and let it infuse for approximately 20 minutes. Remove the onion and add the remaining ingredients. The sauce should be of a loose, dropping consistency. Set aside and keep warm. To make the game chips; peel the potato and slice thinly. Remove as much starch as possible by rinsing in cold water, then pat dry. Heat the oil and deep fry for two to three minutes until golden brown. To cook the grouse; Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. Season and put the juniper berries inside the cavities of the birds. Tuck a sprig of thyme under each leg and lay two rashers of bacon over each breast. Heat the fat in a roasting tin and sear on each side. Roast for 16 to 20 minutes, depending on size, then remove from the tray and keep warm. Add the root vegetables, any juices, stock, sloe gin and red wine and simmer gently for approximately six minutes. Sieve into a saucepan and check the seasoning. Serve with the game chips, vegetables, bread sauce and a pot of redcurrant jelly.