Chorizo and Salad Cress Frittata

Main courseServes 2

A firm favourite for quick mid-week meals, frittatas are easy to make and adapt to your tastes… or whatever you have available in the fridge! This Chorizo and Salad Cress version from West Yorkshire salad growers WS Bentley is perfect for a lunch at home or mid-week supper and pairs tasty chorizo with delicious new potatoes within a soft omelette with peppery salad cress to create a hearty and speedy dish you’ll recreate again and again. For more information and recipe inspiration visit

Courgette, Spinach & Wensleydale Blue Frittata

Main courseServes 6-8

In need some lighter meals this month that are still full of flavour?  This Courgette, Spinach & Wensleydale Blue Frittata fits the bill perfectly. Ideal as a quick lunch or weekend brunch dish, it’s delicious served both hot and cold and can be adapted with different Wensleydale Cheeses and flavoured Yorkshire Rapeseed Oils. For more recipe inspiration visit

Chorizo and Salad Cress Frittata

Main courseServes 4

A great mid-week supper of perfect for a lazy weekend brunch, this frittata is not only tasty, it’s healthy and packed full of protein. Tasty chorizo and potatoes nestled between soft omelette, complemented with peppery salad cress from the team at West Yorkshire based WS Bentley, this recipe needs adding to your repertoire! For more recipe inspiration visit  

Hazelnut Meringue

DessertServes 6

# Butter and flour the sides of the 2 size 8 sandwich tins and line the bottoms with a disc of baking parchment. # Set the oven at 375°F/190°C/Gas Mark 5. # Whisk the egg whites until stiff with a rotary or electric beater, add the sugar 1tbsp at a time and continue beating until the mixture is very stiff and stands in peaks. # Lightly whisk in the vanilla essence and vinegar, then fold in the prepared hazelnuts. # Divide the mixture between the 2 prepared tins and smooth the top with a palette knife. # Bake for approx 30-40 minutes but no longer at 375°F/190°C/Gas Mark 5. The top of meringue should be crisp but the underside soft and gooey. # Turn out on wire racks to cool. The meringue can be made the day before using, which gives it time to set and makes it easier to cut into portions without breaking up. # Fill them about 3 hours before eating. # To fill, whisk the cream until fairly stiff, sweeten with a little extra sugar and vanilla and use about 2/3 to fill the meringue. # Cover the cream layer with the raspberries and then the second meringue. # Decorate the top with the rest of cream and dust with icing sugar.

To make the melba sauce:

# Pick over the raspberries and rub through a nylon strainer, then beat in the icing sugar, 1tbsp at a time. Frozen raspberries can be used, but thaw them out first in the fridge. # Serve the sauce separately. # The sauce is also delicious served with ice cream or to make a peach melba.


# The best way to brown hazelnuts evenly is to bake them in a really hot oven for 5-6 minutes. (Watch carefully as they scorch easily). # Turn onto a clean tea towel or oven cloth. Rub briskly in the cloth to remove dry skins. Chop very finely or blend in a mixer.

Asparagus Spears with Whitby Smoked Haddock and Eggs on a Toasted Muffin

StarterServes 4

# Place the smoked haddock in a high sided pan with 1/2 pint milk and 1/2 pint water - bring this to the simmer slowly and cook until soft. # Whilst this is cooking snap the asparagus spears at the base of the stem - this should give a satisfying snap as the base breaks off. # The bases can be used for stock or soup. # Peel the stems if they are thick, however if they are young shoots leave them as they are. # Boil in salted water until just cooked remove and drain, add the butter and salt and pepper and serve. # Lastly boil a pan of water, add a large pinch of salt and the white wine vinegar. # Whirl this around with a wooden spoon - place the cracked eggs into the pan. # The white of the egg will close in tightly to the yolk and after approx 11/2 minutes you should end up with a perfectly poached egg. # Remove from the water, when softly poached, with a slotted spoon. # Slice the muffin bread in half and toast until golden brown.

To serve

# Place the asparagus on the toasted muffin, add the cooked smoked haddock on the top and then place the soft poached egg on the top. # Serve this as a light snack or a tasty starter.

duck eggs – quick tips

Main courseServes N/A

Duck eggs are full of flavour and are slightly larger than hen eggs. You can eat them in the same way, but if you're not a fan of their richer taste they're also great for baking with. The whites have more protein in them and can become rubbery if overcooked, so treat them carefully if frying or scrambling. Keep your eggs at room temperature. NB Avoid serving lightly cooked or raw eggs to the vulnerable: e.g. children, the elderly and during pregnancy. 1. boiling: For a slightly runny yolk, boil an average sized duck egg for 6-7 mins. If you want a hard-boiled egg, cook for 9 mins. The shells are more fragile than hen eggs; to help avoid them cracking keep them at room temperature and lower them gently into the water with a slotted spoon. Pricking the shell with a pin (being careful not to pierce the egg sac) can also help. If you're not eating hard-boiled eggs immediately then plunge them into cold water after cooking and leave to cool before peeling - this will stop a grey tinge forming on the yolk's edge. 2. poaching: Put a large piece of clingfilm into a ramekin, leaving plenty overhanging. Lightly brush a little olive or rapeseed oil on the inside of the clingfilm. Carefully crack the egg into the ramekin. Twist the clingfilm tightly together around the egg to seal it. Carefully lower into simmering water and cook for 5 mins. Remove with a slotted spoon and carefully peel off the clingfilm. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. 3. baking: Duck eggs are particularly good for baking as the yolks are richer with a higher fat content than hen eggs and the larger whites will add volume to cakes. If whisking duck egg whites, you may find they take longer to whisk than hen eggs as the extra protein makes them less frothy to start with. Use 1 duck egg to 1 hen egg in most recipes, except those that require very fine measurements eg macaroons. Although they are slightly larger, it doesn't generally affect recipes to a great extent. If the eggs are particularly huge, then use your common sense and add one less egg.


Main courseServes 2

Place the eggs in a small saucepan and cover with cold water, bring to the boil and simmer for 3 minutes for soft centres. Meanwhile, mix the cheese, mayonnaise and cress, reserving a little to sprinkle over. Spread over the toast and cut into soldiers. Serve with the boiled eggs. Cooks tip Try scooping out the egg and spreading it on top of the cheese for a quick sandwich.

Black Sheep Beer Pancake recipe

Serves 4

Mix all the ingredients together in a blender except the 2 tablespoons of melted butter. Leave to stand for 30 minutes. Heat a non stick frying pan and just coat it with a little butter or oil. Add the melted butter to the pancake mixture and pour enough into the pan to coat the base. Swirl it around so that it covers all the pan. Cook for a few minutes until the underside of the pancake is golden brown and then turn it over with a spatula or flip it and cook the other side. Serve it immediately with filling or sauce, or if you wish, stack them with greaseproof paper between and reheat later. They can be cooled and frozen for up to one month.

Yorebridge House Custard Tart

DessertServes 6

To start, rub together the plain flour, caster sugar and butter. This will create a breadcrumb effect. Whisk 1 egg and slowly add it to the mixture, it will start to make a dough, add a little water at a time until the desired dough consistency is met. The dough should then be rested for half an hour in the fridge to make it easier to roll out. After the dough has been rested, roll it out to fill a 12" quiche tin, ensuring the tin has been greased with butter. The pastry should then be blind baked at 160ºC until golden brown. To make the filling, whisk together 10 Eggs with the other ingredients to a smooth thick consistency. Once the mixture has been mixed, pass it through a sieve to ensure there are no lumps. Place the filling into the pre baked pastry base giving it a grating of nutmeg on the surface before returning it to the oven to cook at 120ºC for 40 minutes or until set.

Side Oven Easy Lemon Ice Cream

DessertServes 4

Delicious served with fresh fruit or for something different try crumbling Side Oven Honey Toasted Muesli or Granola on top. Whip the egg whites to a soft peak consistency, add sugar and whip together. Fold in egg yolks, lightly whipped cream and lemon cordial. Pour into a freezer-proof container and freeze. Remove from freezer 10 minutes before eating to allow the ice cream to soften before serving.

Dark Chocolate Cake with a Blackberry jam middle

DessertServes 12

Pre Heat your oven to 170C (Not fan) Combine all the cake ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat together until a smooth batter is formed. Grease and line 2x 20cm Circular cake tins and pour in the batter spitting equally between them both, place in the oven and cook for 20-25 mins or until a cooked. (mention how to test this if you are with the other cakes) Leave for a few mins then remove from the tins and allow to cool on a cooling rack. When the cakes are cooked whip the double cream until firm. Add in the icing sugar jsut at the end of whipping. Firstly spread the jam generously over one of the cakes, followed by the cream. For a bit of extra luxury scatter in the chocolate chips if using the place the second cake on top.

Shepherd’s Watch Brownies with Yorkshire Fettle Frosting

DessertServes 12

1. Preheat the oven to 170C/325F/Gas3. Line a 24x24cm tin with baking parchment 2. Bring a pan of water to the boil. Put the plain and milk chocolate with the butter in a large bowl, place over the boiling water, switch off the heat and allow to melt 3. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar together until light fluffy and creamy. Add the beer and whisk in thoroughly, followed by the melted chocolate and butter, beat in until all combined again. 4. Sieve the flour and cocoa powder into the eggs and fold in until thoroughly combined, then fold in the nuts and remaining white chocolate pieces. 5. Pour the chocolate mixture into the prepared tin. Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. The top should be firm but the inside should still feel soft, ie still have a slight wobble. It should still be gooey!. 6. Allow the brownies to cool in the tin 7. To make the frosting, beat the fettle and milk together with an electric hand mixer until soft. Gradually add the icing sugar, beating now with a wooden spoon to avoid a volcanic storm. Beat vigorously until soft 8. When the brownie has cooled, spread the icing over the top and cut the brownies into squares.